Types of Testing

What we focused on in the last unit was a type of testing called unit testing. In this module, we’ll discuss different kinds of testing, and what they are used for.

From Small to Large in Scope

The first kind of verification testing (that is, assuring the software works as specified) typically scales from small-scale to large-scale.

Unit Testing

Unit testing is testing individual modules (typically, individual) functions. Unit testing is an incredibly powerful tool, as it lets us catch many “silly” bugs immediately. Typically, in a given class, we want to unit test all non-trivial public methods. Specifically, non-trivial in this case means “not simple getters and setters.”

The advantage of unit testing is that, when a unit test fails, we can typically isolate the bug in the unit test to the method (that is, assuming we have managed to isolate the method from dependencies, which we will talk about later with Mockito). This dramatically reduces the amount of code we need to search through for a bug. Additionally, if we can use tests to differentiate when code works and when it doesn’t, that extra information can further help our debugging.

The biggest advantage of unit testing is how easy it is to automate, ensuring that running the existing test suite (the group of tests written to verify the software meets the specification) is a simple, automatic process.

In the next unit, we will use JUnit 5 to write Unit Tests.

Integration Testing

Where unit testing is used to verify that individual modules are operating correctly by themselves, integration testing is testing when modules are combined.

For example, consider, in our NBAExcelTeams project from the poi Demo.

Specifically, consider the test class NBATeamReaderIntegrationTest.

public class NBATeamReaderIntegrationTest {
    public void getsThirtyTeams() {
        NBATeamReader reader = new NBATeamReader();
        List<NBATeam> teams = reader.getNBATeams();
        assertEquals(30, teams.size());

While not immediately visible in this test, the function getNBATeams() uses another class:

    private JSONArray getTeamsArrayFromAPI() {
        BallDontLieReader apiReader = new BallDontLieReader();
        JSONObject apiOutput = apiReader.getAllNBATeams();
        return apiOutput.getJSONArray("data");

This means what we are testing here is the combination of the classes NBATeamReader and BallDontLieReader. That is, we aren’t just testing NBATeamReader by itself, we are testing it within the a larger operation that combines the class with another class.

Integration tests can also typically be automated. At this point, it may seem like it isn’t possible to test NBATeamReader without also testing BallDontLieReader. However, in a later unit (Unit Testing with Mockito), we will show you how to use mocking to create a “slice” of a program that does not contain any other classes so we can test NBATeamReader in isolation.

Much integration testing can be automated with tools like JUnit5. However, some integration testing, especially those dealing with User Interface or database connections, can require more significant testing construction and specialized libraries/architecture.

For example, when testing with a real database connection, developers will often make a test database which does not contain real application data, but mocked-up application data.

When testing integration between the user interface and the rest of the system, a real user interface may be generated during testing with an automatic entity “pressing” buttons.

These systems can be computationally expensive to run, as well as time-consuming to set up. As such, we still want to rely primarily on unit-testing as our front-line defense against bugs, due to the relatively low cost of setup and execution. Integration testing, however, is still a vital step in any software development process.

A classic integration testing failure is the Mars Climate Orbiter. Two software systems, one to calculate thrust and the second to activate the rockets to deploy that thrust, both worked independently. However, the thrust calculation unit returned a floating point number calculated in English units (Pound-seconds), while the system that deployed the thrust expected the number in SI units (Newton-seconds). Thus, while both system worked independently, a critical defect existed in their communication that was only manifest when the two units were integrated.

System Testing

System testing involves testing the entire system as a whole from the user perspective. For example, if you were building a course registration website, you would do system testing by logging into the website and attempting to perform tasks as an end-user would: you would use a Web Browser to access the website (or a testing version of the website), and interact with the website as, say, a student would.

System tests typically involve following a script to use a specific feature or sets of features within an application. For example, if you were testing a course registration system, you would likely try logging in as a student and adding a course to that student through the same web interface you expect students to use. You likely would connect your website to a separate testing data source with fake student accounts and fake courses, rather than testing on the actualy data-source that students would use. But the key insight is that your interactions with the website testing will be the same as the interactions by students when they are actually using the website.

System testing is, of course, vital to ensuring the final product meets the specification. However, because system testing relies on interacting with the whole software system, it can make identifying the specific source of failures (for example, a crash when loading a particular view) very, very difficult! This is because if the system fails in some way (crashing, bug, incorrect behavior), that could occur anywhere in the executing code in the software system. This means the defect found during system testing is hard to trace (find where in the source code the defect is caused to fix it).

If a defect is first found during system testing, this likely means there was a lack of thoroughness in unit and integration testing. This creates a difficulty, because finding a defect in an entire software system is far harder than finding a defect in one or two modules. As such, in system testing, we often want to use the stack trace to identify where a defect occurs, and then take a step back and write unit and integration tests to specifically find and correct the underlying source of the defect.

Many students early on in programming rely on system testing as their only form of testing!. That is, students view “writing code” and “testing and debugging” as two separate steps that occur in order.

In reality, the best approach to testing is iterative: test your code as you write your code! The key to having effective system testing is finding “silly” defects early through unit testing and integration testing. If you find that you are spending an inordinate amount of time system testing, consider taking a step back and testing your individual modules first!

Regression Testing

When writing and testing your code, have you ever fixed a bug, only to find your fix introduced a new bug? And then you fix the new bug, only to reintroduce the old bug? I personally have been caught in that tug-of-war for hours before. The reason was that I was only testing one thing at a time: the thing I was working on at that moment.

Regression testing is the idea of keeping all of your old tests around. After all, if you have a good test that could identify a defect, why ever throw it away? A good test is good for as long as the tested module isn’t radically changed.

The idea of regression testing is to ensure we do not reintroduce old defects into our code, or break portions of our code that are already working. Gradle actually performs regression testing for us using the gradlew test command, which is part of the gradlew build command.

Typically, in regression testing, we run our entire suite of automated tests for our software system. If any tests fail, we alert the developer. This is valuable, because it acts as a line of defense against changes that break seemingly unrelated sections of code.

Continuous Integration

Regression testing is so valuable, that there are entire software services related to regression testing. Continuous Integration, or CI, is the practice in software development where, when code is merged into or added to a “protected branch”, like main or development, the code is run against the existing testing suite to ensure known defects are not accepted into these protected branches. For example, if you want to “hot-fix” a website (that is, commit a change directly to the main branch which is actively hosted on the internet), CI can notify you “Hey, your code fails these tests,” and reject the change, protecting the live website from being broken.

GitHub offers their own continuous integration service, GitHub Actions, which uses their own servers to build and execute your software tests. However, like everything else on the internet, nothing is truly free. GitHub actions, depending on your account status, typically give ~2000 free minutes of CI time per month. That is, while your tests are running on GitHub servers, that time is recorded and counted against this limit. After ~2000 minutes are used in a given month, you are charge per minute for all remaining usage.

This means that GitHub Actions CI is a great tool to use for your personal projects. However, as your project gets larger and more complicated, with more and more tests, eventually you may want to consider other premium options depending on your scale. Many private companies will host their own continue integration servers, or will use external services like GitHub Actions, Travis CI, or Amazon Web Services (AWS) depending on their resources and needs.

Based on Audience

So far, we have focused on internal testing with developers. The other tests change the audience of the tests. Generally, these tests are system tests, but done with an external audience.

Internal Testing

As we mentioned, during development, developers will write their own tests (unit tests, integration tests). The tests are designed to verify the development’s functional completeness (that is, that all specified features are added) and technical correctness (that is, that the features are working as intended).

Alpha Testing

The terms Alpha and Beta testing have become marketing terms of late. For example, you may hear phrases like “Public Alpha”, or “Open Beta”, etc. For instance, “Beta” has often become the term for “Demo” or “Early public access” in the gaming world. When defining these terms, try to ignore how you have seen the terms used in popular culture.

Alpha Testing is system testing carried out internally, that is, by the developing organization. In alpha testing, members of the organization test the software, trying to simulate the behavior of real users. The goal is to identify any existing issues in the software, as well as try to ensure sufficient quality to move to showing the software to end users.

Whereas in system testing, mock users typically follow type script, in alpha testing, mock users are encouraged to experiment with the system. In addition to using the system for typical use-cases, often testers will try to find failures through abnormal usage of the system.

Beta Testing

The key distinction between alpha and beta testing is who the testing users are. In a beta test, the goal is to find actual customers, or external people who would be likely to use the system after it releases. In a beta test, users are closely monitored for how they use the software, and often their usage is logged extensively. This is so that if a bug is found, or the user reports and issue with the system, it can be recorded an acted upon before the product is shipped. Beta versions of software are typically released to a limited number of potential end users for the purposes of providing feedback.

Acceptance Testing

Both Alpha and Beta testing are parts of the overall process of Acceptance Testing. While our internal testing is primarily used for verification (the software works as specified), the primary purpose of acceptance testing is validation (the software satisfies the customer’s needs). Remember, while verification and validation are related, they are not the same thing! The goal of Acceptance testing is to ensure that the customer or other stakeholders are satisfied with the final software.

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