
This website was written to act as a centralized online resource for students of CS 3140 - Software Development Essentials, in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville, Virginia, United States.


Current Status

This section last updated: August 18, 2023

This website is still under construction. At this time, the following units are completed or mostly completed for version 1.0 of this website:

  • Intro
  • Java
  • Collaboration
  • Testing
  • Objects

Note that some of the above have units that have not yet had every planned page completed, but were completed “enough” for the first offering of the course in Fall 2022. All pages plan to be revised, edited, etc. over the coming year.

At this time, the following units are partially complete and actively under construction:

  • Refactoring
  • Design
  • Patterns
  • GUI
  • Data

Other units are still in the inception/structuring phase, and have minimal text:

The expected order of completion is:

  • Refactoring
  • GUI
  • Data
  • Design
  • Patterns

The expected date for the core content of the website being finished is December 2023. Be aware that content will be periodically updated/replaced/changed.

Primary Author

The primary author is Paul “Will” McBurney (call me “Will”), an Assistant Professor of Computer Science - AGF at the University of Virginia. See “Author “ for more information.


The following people have shared content that has inspired or directly influenced material on this website. Where appropriate, I directly cite the modules where they have either contributed slides, examples, or even just to my understanding. I’m grateful to each of these people, who have had a profound positive impact on my teaching.

Corrections, Feedback, Other

Corrections, feedback, and any other content can be shared in the following ways:

  • Contact Prof. McBurney at mcburney@virginia.edu. Please include [SDE-Coursepack] in the subject line to help me filter requests.
  • Pull requests can be submitted directly to the website Github.
  • If there are any other concerns, especially regarding suggestions to improve the website’s accessibility as it relates to
    • Color choices - certainly if there are any images I have that are not friendly to individuals with color vision deficiency, I would be happy to correct it.
    • Image alt text - I have tried to include alt text for every image. However, if any image’s alt-text is missing, unclear, or misleading, please do not hesitate to reach out.
    • If any content is unclearly expressed, or makes incorrect assumptions about the pre-requisite knowledge of individuals, especially to those newer to programming, please do not hesitate to let me know and I will do my best to address it.


This website was built using Course-in-a-Box, which was built and distributed by Peer 2 Peer University and distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International license. The details of the license are here available here.


The content of this website is released free-of-charge under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International license. In summary, this means you are free to re-use, re-distribute, and modify any of the content under the following conditions:

  • Give appropriate credit if you wish to re-use, which can be done simply by linking to the relevant webpage in a hyperlink, citation, otherwise.
  • If releasing a product made from building on, transforming, repurposing, etc. any content on this website, or in the sde-coursepack Github organization including sample code, that product must be released under the same license or a compatible license.

If using this content for educational purposes!

If you wish to use this content in whole or in part, please do so! All we ask is that you email Will McBurney to let him know that you have used the content! This helps him track what content is being found to be most useful, and what content could most be improved or expanded.

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