Black-Box Testing

The idea of Black-Box testing is that we select what test scenarios to write according to the specification of the modules we are testing (typically a function). We are testing the interface, not the implementation.


The next three modules will show the construction of test cases for a single function, calculateBill, and how we would approach it.


We will look at a couple flawed approaches to Black-Box testing first, and then consider Equivalence Partitioning as well as Boundary and Exception test cases.

Exhaustive Testing

Exhaustive Testing is almost never feasible. Consider, for example, the function max(int a, int b, int c) for our previous modules. The int datatype supports 232 unique values. This means, to test exhaustively, we would have to test all combinations of ints, or (232)3, which equals 296. Just to store these test input numbers would use up approximately 3 billion times the expected global computer storage of the entire world in 2025. And compared to data types like Strings and Lists, ints are downright simple at only 4 bytes.

Random Testing

One idea is to pick inputs at random, then working out the expected output based on the random inputs generated. Whether we do this using an actual random number generator, or picking numbers out of thin air. A problem with this approach is that this can easily miss important test cases we should consider. For example, testing our 3-argument max function with 3 equal values is obviously an interesting case worth examining. However, if we are using random generation, the odds of generating this test are n/264, where n is the number of tests we generate. Those odds are incredibly small. Instead, we want a systematic way to find a set of test scenarios that will include scenarios likely to generate defects.

Equivalence Partitioning

The idea of partitioning is to break up something big into something small. For example, many large conference rooms can be partitioned with sliding walls, breaking one large ballroom into 2, 3, 4, or more smaller conference rooms. In the case of black-box testing, equivalence partitioning is breaking up our equivalence cases into groups that largely behave the same.

In our last unit, we considered equivalence test cases. However, within our equivalence test cases, we can have several groups of test cases that behave different. Imagine a situation where you are in charge of implementing the function Math.abs(int x), which is the absolute-value function for integers.

Both Math.abs(4) and Math.abs(-4) are equivalence cases: we could just as typically call absolute value on a negative number as we could on a positive number. However, this doesn’t change the fact that the inputs seem to behave differently. That is, how we expect absolute value called on positive numbers to act is different from how we would expect absolute value on negative numbers to act. So while both are equivalence cases, these two cases are not equivalent.

In this case, we can partition our input space into two groups: positive numbers and negative numbers. From there, we can say:

  • absolute value basically acts the same for all positive inputs
  • absolute value basically acts the same for all negative inputs

This tells us we want to write at least one test for each partition, but we do not necessarily need to write several tests for each partition. In fact, we can cover both partitions with just one test each:

Math.abs(4) - covers positive partition Math.abs(-5) - covers negative partition

Think about it. If we know that Math.abs(4) is working, do we need to test Math.abs(5), Math.abs(6), Math.abs(327)? Is there any reason to believe those numbers behave differently? No. So additional tests like this end up being “testing for the sake of testing”, which isn’t progress.

Boundary Test Cases

However, we want to pay special attention to the boundary cases. In our Math.abs partitions, notably absent is the number 0 (zero). Zero as a number is neither positive nor negative. In fact, zero sits on the mathematical boundary between these two partitions. As such, we would want to consider this boundary as a special test case.

As such, our test plan now is 3 tests:

  1. Math.abs(4)
  2. Math.abs(-5)
  3. Math.abs(0)

From here, we can write these test cases in JUnit.

Multiple Inputs Examples

While this approach seems simple for Math.abs, it can get complicated. Consider the following class:

public class StudentFinancialRecord {
	private final int studentID;
	private int classYear;
	private double overdue;
	private boolean isExempt;
	public StudentFinancialRecord(int studentID) {
		this.studentID = studentID;
		this.classYear = 1;
    //all fields have getters, all fields except id have setters

Inside this class, we want to implement a method double calculateBill(List<Integer> registeredCourseNumbers).

Here is the specification for the method.

Follow the specification steps IN ORDER 1) First, calculate total:

  • All courses cost the same, and cost per course is determined by the number of courses taken
  • $8000/ course if less than 3 course
  • $6000/ course if 3-6 course
  • $5500/course if greater than 6 courses 2) Increase the value total by 10% if overdue is greater than 2000 3) Increase the value of the field overdue amount by 10% if exempt is false (this is done AFTER step 2)
  • if exempt is true, this penalty is waived, and overdue does not change. 4) Return the sum of total and overdue

Using this specification, let’s design some test cases we can use to test our function as we write it.


What are the inputs to this function?


Obviously the input List<Integer> registeredCourseNumbers is a parameter input. However, do the contents of the list matter? No! In this case, it turns out the only thing that matters is the size. We don’t care about the actual numbers in the List. This means when generating our input for testing, we can use a private helper method:

    private List<Integer> generateTestCourseNumberList(int length) {
		List<Integer> courseNumbersList = new ArrayList<>();
		for (int i = 0; i < length; i++){
			courseNumbersList.add(12345 + length);
		return courseNumbersList;

This method generates a list that “looks like” CRNs numbers (in my experience typically 5-digit numbers). The size of the list is equal to the number of courses I need. By realizing we only need to consider the size of the input list, and not the lists specific contents, we have made our tests easier to design.

Focusing only on the size of this List, what are our equivalence partitions? Well, focusing on bullet point 1 of the specification, we have 3 partitions. For convenience, we’ll call them “Low”, “Mid”, and “High”:

  1. “Low” - 1 or 2 courses - we’ll use 2
  2. “Mid” - 3 to 6 courses, inclusive - we’ll use 5
  3. “High” - 7 or more courses - we’ll use 8

Since we have 3 partitions here, we want to test each partition at least once.

What fields are included in our inputs?

Our class has four fields: id, classYear, overdue, isExempt. Are all of the fields relevant inputs to our function? Well, if we look at the specification, clearly we are referencing the values of overdue and isExempt. From this, we can assume these two fields are inputs to our function, since their values will affect how the function behaves. Note that these fields are inputs due to controlling the state of our class, specifically the parts of the state of the class relevant to the calculateBill function. You’ll also notice, however, that id and classYear are not relevant to our calculateBill method. These two fields do not impact the function behavior or output. As such, we do not consider id and classYear inputs.


What are our partitions of overdue? If we look at bullet point 2 of the specification, we see that the function behaves different if the value of overdue is greater than 2000 (specifically, it causes us to change the value of total, which directly affects the function output). So, we have two partitions to consider:

  1. “Small” - overdue > 2000 - we’ll use 2500
  2. “Big” - overude <= 2000 - we’ll use 1500


The boolean value isExempt will determine whether or not we apply interest to the overdue amount when calculateBill is called. Unsurprisingly, our boolean value has two partitions:

  1. “YesExempt” - true
  2. “NoExempt” - false

Combining our partitions

In total, we now have several partitions for each field:

  • registeredCourseNumbers - 3 partitions - “Low”, “Mid”, “High”
  • overdue - 2 partitions - “Small”, “Big”
  • isExempt - 2 partitions - “YesExempt”, “NoExempt”

Now, as a bare minimum, we want to test every individual partition at least once. Given this, what is the bare minimum number of tests we need?

We only need 3. Each test will test a different partition of registeredCourseNumbers, while at least one test will each partition of overdue and exempt. We can list our tests in a table:

Test# courseCount overdue exempt
1 2 2500 false
2 5 1500 true
3 8 2500 false

Now, you may have combined partitions differently, but we will start working with these tests in this example.

A warning about this approach

I highlighted bare minimum in the last second because this should be seen as the bare minimum. A fault with this approach is assuming that the values of each input are independent of one another. However, certain combinations of partitions may be specifically important! When reading a specification, you should consider how partitions relate to one another. In fact, we will show in our next unit how these tests are insufficient. Just keep that in the back of your mind for now.

Next Steps

Be aware that as yet, we have not written calculateBill or any JUnit tests. This is intentional! This is because we are practicing Test Driven Development.

Continued in the next module

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