Java Streams

Using what we have learned about Functional Programming, we are now ready to tackle Streams

A stream is like an assembly line. We take in some collection of information on one side, pass it through a number of steps, and then at the end we have some useful information. In this module, we will look at why Streams are useful, how they can improve our code readability, and how to use them.

Simple queries

We often want to gather summary data of some input set. For example, if I have a class:

public class State {
    private String name;
    private int population;
    //normal constructors, getters, setters

I might say something like “Give me the total population of all states”. To implement this, your first thought would likely be an accumulator pattern.

    public int getTotalPopulation(List<State> stateList) {
        int sum = 0;
        for (State state : stateList) {
            sum += state.getPopulation();
        return sum;

This is pretty straightforward, easy to read, succinct code.

Complex queries

But now let’s consider a more complicated query:

“Give me the smallest 5 states, in order of smallest to largest”

This one gets tricky. There are a lot of ways to implement it. My naive approach that required the least mental effort is:

public List<State> getSmallestNStates(List<State> stateList, int numberOfStates) {
        List<State> safeCopy = new ArrayList<>(stateList);
        safeCopy.sort(new Comparator<State>() {
            public int compare(State o1, State o2) {
                return, o2.getPopulation());
        List<State> smallestNStates = new ArrayList<>();
        for (int i = 0; i < numberOfStates; i++) {
        return smallestNStates;

Reading all this code, I can’t help but think “there’s gotta be an easier way.” (You may be thinking I can replace the Comparator with a lambda body, and you’re right, but we’ll get there).

Why is this so ugly?

Okay, now let’s take a class called Representation (from our Extract Class module)

public class Representation {
    Map<State, Integer> representation = new HashMap<>();

    public void addRepresentativesToState(State state, int newRepresentatives) {
        int currentRepresentatives = getRepresentativesForState(state);
        representation.put(state, currentRepresentatives + newRepresentatives);

    public int getRepresentativesForState(State state) {
        return representation.getOrDefault(state, 0);

    public List<State> getStateList() {
        return new ArrayList<>(representation.keySet());

…and let’s ask “Print the states in alphabetical order with their number of representatives”. This sounds like it should be simple. And yet, our code may look like:

    public void printRepresentationAlpabeticalOrder(Representation representation) {
        List<State> alphabeticalStates = representation.getStateList();
        alphabeticalStates.sort(new Comparator<State>() {
            public int compare(State o1, State o2) {
                return o1.getName().compareTo(o2.getName());
        List<Integer> parallelPopulationMap = new ArrayList<>();
        for (State state : alphabeticalStates) {
        for(int i = 0; i < alphabeticalStates.size(); i++) {
            System.out.println(alphabeticalStates.get(i) + " - " + parallelPopulationMap.get(i));

Oof. This code has 3 different for loops, and relies on a parallel ArrayList. Now, if you’re clever, you can combine the two later loops into one, but even still, this feels far more complicated than it needs to be.


So now we turn to Streams. Streams were introduced in Java 8, and allow us to utilize functional programming to simplify queries and operation on collections of data. For example, let’s go back to our total population example:

    public int getTotalPopulation(List<State> stateList) {
        int sum = 0;
        for (State state : stateList) {
            sum += state.getPopulation();
        return sum;

Instead of this,, we can do this with streams:

    public int getTotalPopulation(List<State> stateList) {
            .mapToInt(state -> state.getPopulation)

Instead of …

    public List<State> getSmallestNStates(List<State> stateList, int numberOfStates) {
        List<State> safeCopy = new ArrayList<>(stateList);
        safeCopy.sort(new Comparator<State>() {
            public int compare(State o1, State o2) {
                return, o2.getPopulation());
        List<State> smallestNStates = new ArrayList<>();
        for (int i = 0; i < numberOfStates; i++) {
        return smallestNStates;

…we can do this with streams:

    public List<State> getSmallestNStates(List<State> stateList, int numberOfStates) {

And instead of:

    public void printRepresentationAlpabeticalOrder(Representation representation) {
        List<State> alphabeticalStates = representation.getStateList();
        alphabeticalStates.sort(new Comparator<State>() {
            public int compare(State o1, State o2) {
                return o1.getName().compareTo(o2.getName());
        List<Integer> parallelPopulationMap = new ArrayList<>();
        for (State state : alphabeticalStates) {
        for(int i = 0; i < alphabeticalStates.size(); i++) {
            System.out.println(alphabeticalStates.get(i) + " - " + parallelPopulationMap.get(i));

…we can use streams:

    public void printRepresentationAlpabeticalOrder(Representation representation) {
            .map(state -> state.getName() + " - " + representation.getRepresentativesForState(state))

Wait…what is going on?

Don’t worry, we will break this code down. But as you can see, understanding lambda bodies is going to be very valuable here. Streams go together with functional programming like peanut butter and chocolate.

Beginning - .stream()

A stream starts with a Collection, like a List or a Set (not a Map directly, however, though we can convert keySet(), values, and entrySet() of Maps to a Stream). From there, we make a stream using:

This gives us a Stream that we can now perform zero or more intermediate operations one (which will be the bulk of our logic), and one terminal option on, which converts the stream back into something useful like a List, or gives us summary information (such as an integer sum).

Intermediate operations

Think of intermediate operations as an assembly line. Each step on the assembly line, another step is implemented. Data from the streams comes in, a modification of that data goes out. Streams are generically typed. For each of the methods below, we will assume the input is a Stream<E>, or Stream of type E.

For example, when I say the sorted method is sorted(Comparator<E>), ‘E’ is the datatype stored in that Stream at that time. The time of the Stream can change over intermediate operations (specifically map), so in that context E refers to the data type of the Stream at the start of the sorted step.


method: sorted(Comparator<E> comparator)

example: .sorted((a, b) -> a.size() - b.size())

output: Stream<E> sorted by the comparator

explanation: We may want to sort during our intermediate steps (such as when we get the five smallest states). This method lets us define a sorting methodology functionally.

related functions:

Compator<E> Compator.comparing(Function<E,R> keyExtractor)

Sort by a particular key. For example:

Assuming input is Stream<State> ` .sorted(Comparator.comparing(x -> x.getName())`

This will sort states by their name field. Because name is a String, it uses the String instance method compareTo. When used with number, this defaults to sorted in ascending order.

Additionally, we can capture the getStateName() method to make this even simpler to read:


This line should be read as “Sort states by their name by their natural order” (where natural order is the result of .compareTo()). Be aware that you can only use this for data types that have implemented Comparable. String, Integer, Double, and other wrapper classes for primitive datatype have implemented Comparable, and are safe to use here.

Additionally, useful function is reversed() which can be called on a Comparator to reverse it. For example, by default, Comparator.comparing(State::getPopulation()) sorts in ascending order by population. But Comparator.comparing(State::getPopulation()).reversed() sorts in descending order.


method: filter(Predicate p)

example: .filter(x -> x.getPopulation > 1000000)

output: Stream<E> with only elements that return true for our Predicate function. Elements that return false are removed from the Stream.

explanation: We may want to “filter out” certain values from our stream, or only keep certain other values. For example, above, we are saying “only keep items whose population is over 1 million”. Thus, any state with a smaller population will be removed by this filter.


method: limit(long n)

example: .limit(10)

output: Stream<E>, but only the first n elements.

explanation: In general, if we want to use limit, we only use it after sorted. For example:
        .sorted((s1, s2) -> s1.getPopulation() - s2.getPopulation())

…gives us a Stream<State> containing numberOfState objects. Because we sorted by population in ascending order immediately before calling limit, this means we have the numberOfState smallest states by population.


method: map(Function<E, R> f)

example: .map(x -> x.size())

output: Stream<R>. In the example above, this would be something like Stream, most likely.

explanation: Used to convert our data from one thing to another. For example, say we had a Stream of String that contain integers:

["45", "13", "27"]

We could do something like:


This would result in a Stream<Integer>

[45, 13, 27]

In our apportionment example, we converted State objects into String objects with:

.map(state -> state.getName() + " - " representation.getRepresentativesForState(state))


method: distinct()

example: .distinct()

output: Stream<E> with all duplicate elements removed.

explanation: Uses E’s .equals() method to remove any duplicate elements from our Stream. For example:

["John", "Mark", "John", "Kelly", "Kelly", "Kelly"]

would become:

["John", "Mark", "Kelly"]


method: peek(Consumer<E> e)

example: .peek(System.out::println)

output: Stream<E> with no elements removed or altered (unless altered as a side effect of the Consumer function in peek)

For example:

.peek(state -> setName(getName.toUpperCase())

will change the name value of all states in the Stream simply because setName is a destructive function (one that changes the state of its instance).

explanation: Similar to forEach, this method performs some function on every element in the Stream. However, forEach is a terminal operation, while peek is an intermediate operation.


method: flatmap(Function<E, R> f) where Function must return a Stream of some time

example: .flatmap(x ->

output: Stream<R> where all sub-collections in the previous stream have been flattened into a single stream.

explanation: useful when we have a Stream of Collections, or some type that is composed of another type, and we want to decompose these aggregations into their component parts.

For example, if our input stream were a Stream<List> structured like:

        List<Integer> a = List.of(12, 13, 14);
        List<Integer> b = List.of(26, 2, 19);
        List<Integer> c = List.of(3, 6, 9);
        List<List<Integer>> combined = List.of(a, b, c);

        List<Integer> flat =
            .flatMap(x ->


This will print:

[[12, 13, 14], [26, 2, 19], [3, 6, 9]]
[12, 13, 14, 26, 2, 19, 3, 6, 9]

You can see that the collections have been “flattened” into a single Stream.

Terminal Operations

All streams end with a single terminal operation.


method: forEach(Consumer<E> e)

example: .peek(item -> summaryList.add(item))

output: void - forEach cannot be used to return anything directly

explanation: used for performing some action with items left in the Stream at the end of the intermediate operations.


method: count()

example: .count()

output: long - the number of items left in the Stream


method: collect(Collector<E, A, R> c)

example: .collect(Collectors.toList())

output: Some R value, which is an accumulation of the elements left in the Stream

explanation: Perform some aggregation on the left over items.

related functions

  • Collectors.toList() - returns a List<E> which matches the state of the Stream at the end of the Stream chain of operations. Note that this List is **unmodifiable**. However, you can do something like:
List<E> outputList =
        .[intermediate operations]
List<E> modifiable = new ArrayList<>(outputList);

A quick note that in Java 16, the Stream method toList() was added, so you can do:

List<E> outputList =
        .[intermediate operations]

Just be aware that is only in Java 16 and later. That list returned is also immutable.

  • Collectors.toSet() - returns a Set<E> which matches the state of the Stream at the end of the Stream chain of operations. Because this results in a Set, duplication elements are removed. Like toList(), the output set is unmodifiable.

  • Collectors.toCollection(ArrayList::new) - allows you to immediately generate a modifiable collection if you wish.

  • Collectors.toMap(Function<E,R> keyFunction, <E, T> Function valueFunction) - create a modifiable Map where, for each value, keyFunction is used to determine the ‘key’, and ‘value’ is used to determine the map.

    Map<String, Integer> namePopulationMap =
        .collect(Collectors.toMap(s -> s.getName(), s -> s.getPopulation()));

Note that unlike toSet, toMap with throw an IllegalStateException if you try to add duplicate keys.

  • Collectors.joining() - can be used for joining elements of a Stream<String> together. Joining can take in an argument that is used as a delimiter between the Strings.
List<String> myList = List.of("Aaron", "Betty", "Carol", "David");
String outputString ="\n");


  • Collectors.counting() - does the same thing as count()

average, sum

Note that for all of these, the function specifies the numeric datatype returned. For example:

Collectors.averagingDouble(Function<E, Double>) will also have functions:

  • Collectors.averagingInt(Function<E, Integer>)
  • Collectors.averagingLong(Function<E, Long>)

For the sake of limiting repetition, I’m only going to show the Double version, but just remember you can replace Double with Int and Long, which makes the Function return types Int and Long. Be aware that averagingInt and averagingLong return doubles, since the average of integer numbers may be a decimal number.

double averagePopulation =

If you already have a Stream<Double>, then use just map the value to itself. For example: (x -> x)

    double averagePopulation =
        .collect(Collectors.averagingInt(p -> p));
  • Collectors.summingDouble(Function<E, Double> function) - same thing as averaging but returns the sum.

max, min

  • max(Comparator<E> comparator) - finds the maximum remaining value using comparator. In order to get the max, the Comparator passed in should be in “ascending” order.

  • min(Comparator<E> comparator) - finds the minimum remaining value using comparator. In order to get the max, the Comparator passed in should be in “ascending” order.

Note that this method returns Optional<E> and not E. The reason for this is that if the Stream is empty when max is invoked, there is no value present to be a maximum.

Below shows an example of dealing with this inconvenience

    Optional<State> biggestState =
    if (biggestState.isPresent()) {
        State state = biggestState.get();
    } else {
        throw new RuntimeException();


reduce allows you to define a way to reduce a stream of multiple objects to one value.

For example, we can use reduce to get a sum:

    int totalPopulation =
        .reduce(0, (subtotal, statePopulation) -> subtotal + statePopulation);

In the above arguments for reduce, we are saying:

  • our initial value for subtotal is zero
  • for each value in our stream, set subtotal to be equal to subtotal + statePopulation
    • The first argument in our function is our “summary” value
    • The second argument is each item in our list


We can replace stream() with parallelStream() to take advantage of automated multi-threading. However, be aware that parallelStream() may operations in an unpredictable order. For example:

    public void printRepresentationAlpabeticalOrder(Representation representation) {
        .sorted((s1, s2) -> s1.getName().compareTo(s2.getName()))
        .map(state -> state.getName() + representation.getRepresentativesForState(state))
        .forEach(string -> System.out.println(string));

…always prints in the order resulting from sorted. However, replacing stream() with parallelStream()

    public void printRepresentationAlpabeticalOrder(Representation representation) {
        .sorted((s1, s2) -> s1.getName().compareTo(s2.getName()))
        .map(state -> state.getName() + representation.getRepresentativesForState(state))
        .forEach(string -> System.out.println(string));

…will result in values being printed out of order, as the thread execution timings are not predictable. For example, for the above, I got this as my last 10 lines:

  Vermont - 1
  California - 52
  Georgia - 14
  Louisiana - 6
  Wyoming - 1
  Wisconsin - 8
  Florida - 28
  Maryland - 8
  Connecticut - 5
  Hawaii - 2

…which clearly is not alphabetical. By contrast, when I simply use stream() I get the results in alphabetical order every time.


One workaround for this problem is to use forEachOrdered() instead of forEach() with multi-threading:

    public void printRepresentationAlpabeticalOrder(Representation representation) {
        .sorted((s1, s2) -> s1.getName().compareTo(s2.getName()))
        .map(state -> state.getName() + representation.getRepresentativesForState(state))
        .forEachOrdered(string -> System.out.println(string));


Be aware that while parallelStream() will automatically use multi-threading, that doesn’t necessarily mean your code will run faster. Managing threads creates a lot of overhead complexity. As such, parallelStream will typically only benefit you with very large data sources.


We can use Files.lines() and BufferedReader.lines() as a Stream<String> for File reading:

List<State> stateList = br.lines()
        .map(line -> line.split(","))
        .map(line -> new State(line[0], Integer.parseInt(line[1])))

Of course, this approach isn’t great for handling Exceptions that may emerge. For that, you’ll need to look into the CheckedFunction and Either<E>, but I will leave that to you if you want to dive-deep on Streams. Be aware that reading a file is necessarily a sequential-stream, and cannot be run in parallel.


There is a lot of potential added complexity when working with Streams at first. However, once you are more comfortable with functional programming (including lambda bodies), they can dramatically simplify the writing and reading of operations you previously did with for-loops on collections.

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