Command Line Arguments

This unit will teach you the basics of writing programs that use command line arguments.


Source Code Examples

Click this link the example source code for this unit.

main(String[] args)

We’ve all typed it more times than we can count:

public static void main(String[] args)

This is the method that is automatically called when you run a Java program. We know that the method is public because it has to be called externally. It’s static because the method is called without needing to make an instance of the class the main method is in. It’s void because the method doesn’t return anything. The method must be called main because that’s the name of the method Java will look for when we run.

But what about String[] args? Obvious this is an Array of String objects with the variable name args. But barring making you think about the noises angry pirates make, what does it do?

Well, this array is use for command-line arguments.

Let’s consider an example of a program we run when making jar files:

jar cfe MyJar.jar example.Main example/*.class

In this case, jar is the name of a program. And just like a function with input parameters, this function can take in arguments. In this case, the arguments are cfe MyJar.jar example.Main example/*.class

Well, when the program is run, Java converts this text into an array of String objects (String[]). If we assume the variable name is args, then we get:

  • args[0]"cfe"
  • args[1]"MyJar.jar"
  • args[2]"example.Main"
  • args[3]"example/*.class"

You’ll notice that Java splits the arguments up by whitespace, and we start with index 0 being the first argument after the program name. To wit, jar above is not included in the command-line arguments array.

Now, it should be noted that we need to run our programs with something like:

java myPackage.myClassName

But from there, we can add arguments the same way. For example:

java myPackage.myClassName these are my lovely arguments

And we get:

  • args[0]"these"
  • args[1]"are"
  • args[2]"my"
  • args[3]"lovely"
  • args[4]"arguments"

Package Reminder

Reminder that when we want to run class files from command line, we need to include the package name. Refer back to the module on packages if you feel you still need a reminder.

Why do we want these?

Command-line arguments give us a way for users to add information to the program without having to edit the source code of the program, and without us having to worry about dealing with something like or a Scanner. This is important, because we may be writing a program for something that doesn’t have an easily accessible user console. In fact, our “users” may not even be human at all. Many large software suites rely on programs communicating directly, which is typically by done by using command line arguments.

String Arguments


If you compile this program into a class file, you can run it as follows:

java edu.virginia.cs.commandline.HelloWho Will

And the program will output:

Hello, Will

Terminal showing output of HelloWho Will as Hello, Will

How does this work at a code level? Well, let’s look:

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String who = args[0];
        System.out.println("Hello, " + who);

If you look at line 2, you can see that his is where I tell Java “Take the first argument and store it in a String variable.”

Now, let’s try:

java edu.virginia.cs.commandline.HelloWho Will McBurney

If I run this, I still get:

Hello, Will

That’s because the String “McBurney” is stored in args[1], due to the space between it and “Will”. Note that, as general practice, we can ignore extra and unnecessary arguments. However, some programs take in an indeterminant number of arguments, so it varies from program to program.

Arguments with spaces

If I want to include the space, then I can run the program with the arguments:

java edu.virginia.cs.commandline.HelloWho "Will McBurney"

If I do this, I’ll get the desired result:

Hello, Will McBurney

Showing the output of Hello 'Will McBurney' with the name in quotes

This is because the quotations marks in the argument tell Java “this is all one argument.”

Missing Arguments

If we run the program without arguments with the command below:

java edu.virginia.cs.commandline.HelloWho

The program will crash with an ArrayOutOfBoundException:

Error message from running Hello Who with no arguments, but the error message is misleading

There’s really nothing we can do about this error: If our program needs an argument, the best we can do is inform the user. That said, we could improve the error message clarity. To fix this, I changed the main method:

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        try {
            String who = args[0];
            System.out.println("Hello, " + who);
        } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
            System.out.println("Error: This program requires a command line argument for a name. format:\n" +
            "\t  java edu.virginia.cs.commandline.HelloWho name");

This will result in the following error message if arguments are missing:

Error: This program requires a command line argument for a name. format:
    java edu.virginia.cs.commandline.HelloWho name

This error message is better because it is more useful to the user. The stacktrace we had earlier implies that the programmer has a bug in their code, and that is how the user will interpret it very often. Our new error message makes it clear that the error was actually a user error, and tells the user how to correct their mistake.

Numeric Arguments


The HelloNTimes program takes in a number via command line and prints “Hello” that many times. Example:

java java edu.virginia.cs.commandline.HelloNTimes 5

Will result in the console printing:


One limitation that we have to contend with is that the arguments array is an array of String objects. What if we want a number? Well, in that case, it’s as simple as using Integer.parseInt

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        try {
            int count = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
        } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
            System.out.println("Error: Must include a number argument. Example:\n"+
                    "\tjava edu.virginia.cs.commandline.HelloNTimes 5");
        } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
            System.out.println("Error: First argument was not an integer. Example:\n"+
                    "\tjava edu.virginia.cs.commandline.HelloNTimes 5");

Focusing on the error messages, you now see we have two different errors to account for. We still have to consider the ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if no argument is given at all. However, another problem is that Integer.parseInt can throw a NumberFormatException if the value of the String cannot be converted to an integer. For example, if we called:

java edu.virginia.cs.commandline.HelloNTimes Steve


java edu.virginia.cs.commandline.HelloNTimes 3.6

then Integer.parseInt would throw a NumberFormatException. Once again, we want to give the user a useful error message. A useful error message is a precise error message that tells the user what they did wrong and how to fix it.

Another consideration could be to consider how to handle the user entering a negative number. In my program, I just ignore it, because my printHelloNTimes function will end up producing the same output as if the user entered 0. However, if I wanted to prevent a user entering negative numbers, I would want to make sure to add a meaningful error message once again.

Multiple Arguments


I don’t include robust error checking in these last two examples. I just want to briefly show a trivial example of multiple command line arguments.

java edu.virginia.cs.commandline.MyGCD 144 81

The program then assigns 144 to the variable a and 81 to the variable b.

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int a = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
        int b = Integer.parseInt(args[1]);
        int gcd = gcd(a,b);
        String toPrint = String.format("GCD(%d, %d) = %d", a, b, gcd);

Thus, the run above simply prints:

GCD(144, 81) = 9

Optional Arguments

Example: IsLeapYear

In the isLeapYear example, I wanted to allow the user to ask if a given year was/will be a Leap Year in either the Gregorian calendar or the Julian Calendar. If you are unfamiliar, with the difference, years divisible by 100 like 1900 and 2100 are not Leap years in the Gregorian calendar, while both are in the Julian calendar (years divisible by 400 like 2000 and 2400 are leap years in both).

Because we use the Gregorian calendar today, I’m going to assume the user is asking about whether or not the Gregorian calendar has a leap year in the given year. However, if the user wants, they can add -j or --julian to the arguments to specify they want to use the Julian calendar.

As such, this program allows the user to run the program as:

java edu.virginia.cs.commandline.isLeapYear 1900

Which will say 1900 is not a leap year, while:

java edu.virginia.cs.commandline.IsLeapYear 1900 -j


java edu.virginia.cs.commandline.IsLeapYear 1900 --julian

Will both say that 1900 is a leap year.

However, because this argument is optional, I do not want to assume that it is at a particular position.

This is how this is handled at the code level:

    public static void main(String[] args){
        List<String> argList= Arrays.asList(args);
        boolean isJulian=checkForJulianFlag(argList);

    private static boolean checkForJulianFlag(List<String> argList) {
        return argList.contains("-j") || argList.contains("--julian");

If you are unfamiliar with Arrays.asList, it is a function in the java.util.Arrays library that produces a List representation of an Array. It should be noted, however, that this list is immutable, meaning you can’t use functions like add and remove on it. However, the benefit is that it lets me use the list method contains so I don’t have to write my own for-loop: I can simply leverage the built-in Java List interface.

As a consequence, you’ll note that I do not assume that -j or --julian must be at index 1. So, as a result:

java edu.virginia.cs.commandline.IsLeapYear 1900 here are some unused arguments -j

Would result in the program saying 1900 is a leap year, since the -j being anywhere in there is enough for me to assume the user wants me to check against the Julian calendar.

Flag Argument Conventions

While you won’t be expected to handle or enforce this, when we have optional arguments, we generally have two forms:

  • Short Form such as -j
  • Long Form such as --julian

As a general convention, the short form has one hyphen, and the long form has two hyphens.

Optional Parameter Arguments

Note that you can also have option arguments with parameters. For example, let’s say instead of have -j, I have -c which lets the user specify any one of several calendars (including the Julian), but I still default to Gregorian because it is the most widely used calendar in the world today. At that point, I may have a command lined like:

java edu.virginia.cs.commandline.IsLeapYear 1900 -c Julian

By convention, the -c in this context would be used to mean “set the calendar option to the next argument”, which in this case is Julian. We would then implement that logic within our code. In this way, you can think of -c Julian or --calendar Julian as a pair of arguments that are related.

Tips for handling command line arguments

These are some general tips for building programs that use command line arguments.

Useful error messages

As we showed in the first two code examples we looked at (HelloWho and HelloNTimes), we want to generate meaningful error messages that tell the user when they enter the command line arguments incorrectly. If a user sees a stacktrace without a clear error message explaining their error in non-programming terms, they will think that the programmer has a bug in their code. This is bad, because the correct interpretation that it was the user who made an error. A clear error message makes it clear that the error was actually a user error, and tells the user specifically what it was they did wrong.

Identify required and optional arguments

When building your program, required arguments should have very specific positions. For example, in IsLeapYear, the year (required int argument) is first (index 0). The optional arguments do not have required positions, and shouldn’t. After all, the very fact that the argument is optional means it isn’t always there.

Required arguments should generally come first in order.

Arrays.asList(args) is your friend

Working with raw arrays is annoying to work with. Lists, on the other hand, are not annoying, and much easier to work with.

    List<String> argsList = Arrays.toList(args);

Now you can use List functions like contains, indexOf, and get, rather than having to write your own logic that does this same thing.

Fail fast

As much as possible, check all command line arguments before you enter the rest of the program. For example, if the user enters a file name, ensure that file exists before you execute any time-consuming setup tasks for the program. If you expect an argument to be an integer, and it isn’t, fail before you start doing database connections, processing large volumes of data, etc.

Note this may not always be possible. For example, if a program were to read a formatted file, and the user specifies a valid filename in the command line arguments, we won’t know about the bad format until we start reading the file. But whenever we can check arguments beforehand, we want to.

Complicated Arguments

If you have a list of large, complicated Arguments, you should create a separate class to handle parsing the Arguments. We will talk about an example of this when we get to Design.

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