Common file formats

In this article, I briefly mention some common file formats to be aware of as a programmer. All of these file formats are “plain text”, meaning you could open these files in virtually any text editor to create, modify, and save them.

.txt - text files

Simple text file, typically will be unstructured, like we have in the above Notepad example.

.csv - Comma-separated values.

Below is a snippet of what could be a .csv file for UVA’s football roster for the 2023-2024 season.


Here, you can think of this structure as like a table, where the commas separate each column, and the line breaks separate each row (where the first row are headings). So you would interpret the above as a table like:

FirstName LastName Position Number Year
Muskett Tony QB 11 4
Jones Perris RB 2 4
Sanker Jonas SPUR 20 3

Where each row is one player, and each column holds a particular type of information.


.csv files are a great way to store tabular data in a plain text, human-readable format. Additional, reading from and writing to .csv files is generally very easy code to write using common File I/O and String functions (especially .split(",")).

In fact, many websites will give a CSV file when you download tabular data. In addition to the ease, this is because CSV files do not generally require much metadata (that is, information that is relevant to the file, but is not itself the data being transmitted). This is compared to spreadsheet files, like xlsx files, which is not plain text, and has a significant storage overhead.


There are disadvantages


Because .csv files are plaintext, they are generally quite limited. For example, a .csv file cannot really store any extra media, only text. Additionally, .csv files are very unstable. Consider, for a minute, that I update the above table to include a suffix for players that have them (such as Sackett Wood Jr. and Jestus Johnson III).

FirstName LastName Suffix Position Number Year
Muskett Tony   QB 11 4
Jones Perris   RB 2 4
Sanker Jonas   SPUR 20 3
Sackett Wood Jr. TE 44 4
Jestus Johnson III RG 77 3

Which would translate to:


While I put the Suffix column in a natural place, after last name, any code that used the column indices of the previous format will have issues.

For instance, previous, the position was in column index 2. So I could get the position using that index. So a snippet of code that prints the name of each player may have looked like (where line is a line of data from the file, like Muskett,Tony,,QB,11,4):

    String[] row = line.split(",");
    String position = row[2];
    if (position.equals("QB")) {
        // Print format: "[First Name] + [Last Name]"
        System.out.println(row[1] + " " + row[0]);

Now, I must update the line: String position = row[2]; because 2 is now the index for suffix, not position. This means any changes to the structure of your CSV file will almost certainly necessitate you changing the source code that reads that file. This is also why it’s a good design idea to hide how a file is read inside a class with an abstract interface, because data formats will change!

Plaintext limitations

Imagine if you were making a table of data tracking the Academy Awards history for Best Picture Nominees and winners. Something like:

Year Title Winner
2022 Everything Everywhere All At Once true
2022 All Quiet on the Western Front false
2023 Avatar: The Way of Water false

You start filling in the data, and you get to the movie Tár (2022). That á is going to be a problem, because if you are using many common code editors, they use the ASCII character set. For example, if your file contained:

    String title = "Tár";

…this would actually produce a syntax error, because á is not an ASCII character. Instead, you would have to use the unicode encoding of the character á

    String title = "T\u00E1r"

When dealing with special characters, especially non-English characters, your editor may not support them, so you will need to save the data as Unicode encoded data. I’m not showing how to do that in this module, as it is not necessary for the class. However, it is a problem to be aware of, especially when reading data from the internet which will often be encoded in Unicode rather than ASCII

Data containing commas

So with that problem solved, you keep going back in history, until you get to “Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri” - a 2018 nominee for Best Picture and one of my personal favorite films. If we add it to our table:

Year Title Winner
2018 Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri false

…we run into a problem. Remember, the above row would be represented as:

2018,Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri,false

If we split this String on commas, we would assum:

  • Index 0 is the year - integer
  • Index 1 is the title - text
  • Index 2 is whether the film won best picture - boolean

However, if we try to get index 2 for the above after splitting on commas (.split(","), we get " Missouri". This is because our split call cannot tell the difference between a comma that separates columns, and a comma that is part of a piece of text. The typical solution to this is, when a piece of text contains a comma, to but it inside quotation marks:

2018,"Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri",false

And then, instead of using .split(","), you can use regular expressions to split “on commas not inside of quotation marks”. This is…quite a bit more complicated, so I’ll just cite this StackOverflow answer, which would mean using .split("(?!\B"[^"]*),(?![^"]*"\B)").

Lack of nesting/listing

.tsv - Tab separated values

.tsv files are basically the same thing as .csv files, only using Tab characters ("\t") instead of commas. All the advantages/disadvantages of CSV are the same.


We will spend then next several modules looking at and using .json, .xml, and .yaml files. Fundamentally, all three of these files store data in the same way, just using different syntax. Specifically, these files organize data into nested structures of labeled data. We will start by looking at .json in the next unit.

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