Benefits of Polymorphism

There are a number of design benefits we can get by leveraging polymorphism. We will explore those benefits in this module.


Separate Interface and Implementation

Polymorphism allows us to separate the interface from the implementation, grouping classes with the same interface together, and ensuring our code is flexible and reusable.


Remember, the interface is the description of the behaviors of a class. This goes a bit deeper than the Java interface keyword. For clarity, whenever I use the interface keyword, I will use the “computer text” format. Whenever I mean the abstract idea of an interface, I will use bold font.

For example, the Comparator<E> interface is a Java interface. That interface has one method:

  • int compare(E first, E second)

To use this interface when writing our own class, we use:

public class MyStringComparator implements Comparator<String>

and write our own implementation of the method int compare(E first, E second)

However, the interface (the concept, not the keyword) is a bit more detailed. We don’t want just any method called compare that has a function that takes in two of some datatype and return an int to implement Comparator

We want a method compare that tells us how two elements should be sorted. That is, the interface is both the syntax (interface and implements) and the intended abstract behavior.

In this way, an interface can be either an interface or an abstract class. In general, we will use some abstraction for every major behavior in our software system. That is, we hide implementation details behind an easy-to-understand interface that clearly communicated intended abstract behavior.


At some point, we have to actually address the implementation details. Abstract descriptions of behavior may be a good starting point, but eventually somebody is going to have to start writing code. And that code has to actually carry out producing the intended behavior.

The key, however, is that all implementation details should be hidden from the interface (whether it is an interface, class, or abstract class). And the interface should have as little information as possible (specifically, what is the input, and what is the output?). That is, any information that isn’t strictly included in the interface should only exist inside the implementation.

However, with a good use of polymorphism, we can hide implementation details from most of our software system, instead utilizing only abstract interface. We will show what that can look like in the following design example.

Example: Apportionment

When designing our software, we want to use polymorphism to our advantage where it makes sense. To consider how to do that, let’s look at an example:

You are tasked with writing a program that apportions representatives to states for the US Congress based upon each state’s population. That is, larger states can more representatives than smaller states. Your program needs to print out how many representatives each state gets.

Specifically, you are told:

  • You will be given a file, such as .csv file, containing the name of each State and its total population
  • You will then use a particular algorithm (such as The Hamilton/Vinton method)
  • You need to display the states in some order (such as alphabetical order)

From here, I see three very clear abstract behaviors:

  • StateSupplier - Get a list of State objects from some resource.
  • ApportionmentMethod - Take in a List of State objects (with name and population) and a number of representatives to Apportion. Return an Apportionment (mapping of states to a number of representatives)
  • ApportionmentFormat - Take in an Apportionment and return a String of the desired output format.

By focusing on the abstractions first, we organize our software to maximize flexibility


Consider the following abstract class:

public interface StateSupplier {
    public List<State> getStates();

This class describes a behavior: get me states! Where? That doesn’t matter to describing the abstract behavior. Where the data comes from is an implementation detail.

From there, we can implement the behavior with something like:

public class CSVStateSupplier implements StateSupplier {
    private String filename;
    public CSVStateSupplier(String filename) { this.filename = filename; }
    public List<State> getStates() {
        FileReader fileReader = new FileReader(filename);
        ...//implementation goes here

In our client class, we would use the abstract interface, with the exception of the constructor.

    public void executeApportionment() {
        StateSupplier stateSupplier = getStateSupplier();
        List<State> = stateSupplier.getStates();

    public StateSupplier getStateSupplier() {
        return new CSVStateSupplier("censusData.csv");

Remember, whenever possible, we want to use the most abstract type we can. So everywhere we can, we use StateSupplier as the data type, and not CSVStateSupplier.

What if things change?

What if our data source changes? For example, what if the Department of Commerce, who runs the Census, instead gives us a web-service that returns the most recent census. Now we have the advantage where our system can work without us manually copying and pasting files!

Does this mean we have to change StateSupplier or CSVReader? No! We can simply add a new concrete implementation of StateSupplier

public class DeptOfCommerceStateSupplier implements StateSupplier {
    private final String COMMERCE_CENSUS_SERVICE_URL = "..." // link to census web-service
    public List<State> getStates() {

Now, we simply replace the constructor call in our client method:

    public void executeApportionment() {
        StateSupplier stateSupplier = getStateSupplier();
        List<State> = stateSupplier.getStates();

    private StateSupplier getStateSupplier() {
        return new DeptOfCommerceStateSupplier();

That’s it! Only one line of code changed! And with no giant “If-statement of doom”! Everything else is just adding new code! This is very powerful, as it is much easier to add code than to change code.

And this was enabled by our setup with polymorphism!


Now that we have the idea, let’s apply it to the other abstractions we came up with:

public interface ApportionmentMethod {
    public Apportionment getApportionment(List<State> stateList, int representatives);

Then we can implement the Hamilton/Vinton method, which we’ll shorten to HamiltonMethod:

public class HamiltonMethod implements ApportionmentMethod {
    public Apportionment getApportionment(List<State> stateList, int representatives) {
        Apportionment apportionment = new Apportionment();
        int totalPopulation = getTotalPopulation(stateList);
        ...//implementation continues

Now, going to our executeApportionment function

    public void executeApportionment() {
        StateSupplier stateSupplier = getStateSupplier();
        List<State> = stateSupplier.getStates();
        ApportionmentMethod method = getApportionmentMethod();
        Apportionment apportionment = method.getApportionment();

    private ApportionmentMethod getApportionmentMethod() {
        return new HamiltonMethod();

We want to change the method to Huntington-Hill (the current method used by the US Congress, which was adopted in 1929)?

public class HuntingtonHillMethod implements ApportionmentMethod {
    public Apportionment getApportionment(List<State> stateList, int representatives) {
        Apportionment apportionment = new Apportionment();
        allocateOneRepresentativeEach(apportionment, stateList);
        Map<State, Double> priorityMap = getPriorityMap(stateList);
        ...//implementation continues

…and then simply change one line again:

    public void executeApportionment() {
        StateSupplier stateSupplier = getStateSupplier();
        List<State> stateList = stateSupplier.getStates();
        ApportionmentMethod method = getApportionmentMethod();
        Apportionment apportionment = method.getApportionment(stateList, 435);

    private ApportionmentMethod getApportionmentMethod() {
        return new HuntingtonHillMethod();


You’re starting to get it now, right? Let’s define the abstract behavior:

public interface ApportionmentFormat{
    public String getString(Apportionment Apportionment);

…and then the implementation…

public class AlphabeticalFormat implements ApportionmentFormat{
    public String getString(Apportionment Apportionment) {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        for (State state : Apportionment.getStates())

…and then our execute method

    public void executeApportionment() {
        StateSupplier stateSupplier = getStateSupplier();
        List<State> stateList = stateSupplier.getStates();
        ApportionmentMethod method = getApportionmentMethod();
        Apportionment apportionment = method.getApportionment(stateList, 435);
        ApportionmentFormat format = getApportionmentFormat();

    private ApportionmentFormat getApportionmentFormat() {
        return new AlphabeticalFormat();

What if we need to change at runtime?

What if we want to make our program respond dynamically? For example, depending on user-input at runtime, maybe we want to use either Hamilton or Huntington-Hill?

Well, now we simply update our getApportionmentMethod()

    private ApportionmentMethod getApportionmentMethod() {
        if (isHamiltonApportionment()) {
            return new HamiltonApportionmentMethod();
        } else {
            return new HuntingtonHillApportionmentMethod();

In this case isHamiltonApportionment() would be a boolean function that would, say, parse the command-line arguments or runtime configuration to determine which algorithm should be used.

Yes, this is one method returning two different data types. But because we are using the abstract data type ApportionmentMethod, this is completely fine!

Mix and Match

Notice a few things about our apportionment example?

  • We can combine any StateSupplier with any ApportionmentMethod
  • We can combine any combination of those two with any ApportionmentFormat
  • We managed this flexibility without any subclass having to interact directly with any other subclass. The author of HamiltonMethod doesn’t need to know anything about StateSupplier or any of its subclasses, nor know anything about ApportionmentFormat or any of its subclasses.

The only shared classes are data structures: State (String name, int population) and Apportionment (effectively wrapper for a Map<State,Integer>). However, none of the subclasses have to worry about where there input is coming from, as that is handled by the interface.

In this way, each sub-class is closer to the “pure” idea of a function: Something that takes in input and produces output, without a broader context to worry about. Such functions are far easier to write, test, and debug, compared to side effect heavy functions.


Something interesting happens here because of our use of Polymorphism.

Consider what would happen if we wrote this entire class in one big main-class. Instead of writing a class for each of our subclasses, we instead wrote a function.

When we call a function, there are two things that happen:

  • We pass the control to the function: - that is, the calling function stops executing and waits until the called function stops executing before the calling function
  • We have to call a specific function: - we have to explicitly state what function we are calling. This means our calling function is “tied-to” our called function.

This means changes to implementation details in low level functions can trickle upward all the way to our high-level functions. This means that the more our software grows, the harder it becomes to maintain, because high-level functions are dependent on every other part of the system.

For example, if executeApportionment() wants to call a getStates() function, it has to say exactly which function it will call. This means the getStates function can only have 1 implementation. Now, you could put it an if-statement that calls one implementation or another, but how is the if-statement getting its information about which subfunction to call? Higher level functions will have to know and understand the inner workings of that if-statement in order to setup the correct configuration. Now our code is a tightly coupled mess.

Dependency Inversion

Okay, let’s leave that nightmare and come back to the flexible world of polymorphism we built in our Apportionment example.

It’s important to understand that executeApportionment never picks what method to call! In fact, there are ways where to can write the class that executeApportionment is in where it never has to know our subclasses even exist!. The consequences of how this affects software construction are significant.

First, let’s take a look at my implementation?

My implementation

Here is my implementation of this class when I programmed the Apportionment Program

public class Apportioner {
    private final StateSupplier supplier;
    private final ApportionmentMethod method;
    private final int representatives;
    private final ApportionmentFormat format;

    public Apportioner(Configuration configuration) {
        supplier = configuration.getStateSupplier();
        method = configuration.getApportionmentMethod();
        representatives = configuration.getRepresentatives();
        format = configuration.getApportionmentFormat();

    public void executeApportionment() {
        List<State> stateList = supplier.getStates();
        Apportionment apportionment = method.getApportionment(stateList, representatives);

You’ll notice there’s not a single place in this class where I have to make decisions about which subclass to use. That’s because I make those decisions in a class called Arguments which handles command-line arguments from the user to setup the programs Configuration. Configuration is simply a class that stores what “options” that the Arguments selected.

public class Configuration {
    private StateSupplier supplier;
    private ApportionmentMethod method;
    private int representatives;
    private ApportionmentFormat format;

    public ApportionmentMethod getApportionmentMethod() {
        return method;

    public void setApportionmentMethod(ApportionmentMethod method) {
        this.method = method;

    public StateSupplier getStateSupplier() {

    public void setStateSupplier(StateSupplier supplier) {
        this.supplier = supplier;

    public int getRepresentatives() {
        return representatives;

    public void setRepresentatives(int representatives) {
        this.representatives = representatives;

    public ApportionmentFormat getApportionmentFormat() {
        return format;

    public void setApportionmentFormat(ApportionmentFormat format) {
        this.format = format;

If you look, you’ll notice “Hey, this is just a POJO” (Plain Old Java Object). This is effectively a data structure, fundamentally no more complicated than our State class. This is just some fields, getters, and setters!

Back to dependency inversion

Now, you’ll notice that we don’t have the same situation as we did in our main function. Instead:

  • We pass the control to the function: - that is, the calling function stops executing and waits until the called function stops executing before the calling function. This part is unchanged.
  • We call a function indirectly - Here’s the change! We are no longer calling a specific function! The author of Apportioner.executeApportionment does not have to know what function to call in what class. Which function is called when we call getStates()? DeptOfCommerceStateSupplier.getStates()? CSVStateSupplier.getStates()? Some new StateSupplier I just wrote? The author of executeApportionment doesn’t know, and they don’t need to!

That’s because executeApportionment is not dependent on CSVStateSupplier.getStates() or any other subclass getState.

It is only dependent on the interface StateSupplier, and it’s intended abstract behavior. This means that the implementation of any subclass of StateSupplier can change, or new implementations introduced, and Apportioner’s author won’t have to care!

Instead of high-level methods depending on low-level methods, we have high-level methods and low-level methods independently depending on an interface. As such, any implementation of StateSupplier can be implemented independently of Apportioner without necessarily needing to affect Apportioner, so long as the interface is maintained.


I know these ideas are, if you’ll forgive the pun, abstract, and they made be hard to tangle with. The key insight, however, is when you are thinking about your software, think about major actions not as procedural code, but instead as abstract functional interfaces. Start with the abstract description of the functional behavior you wish to implement first, and implement specifics second.

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