Class Dependency

In this module, we’ll look at 6 kinds of class relationships, and describe the design consequences of these relationships. These relationships are covered in, generally speaking, the order from tightest to least tight coupling.

Depends on (uses)

At that loosest level, one class depends on another class when it uses methods or functions from that class. Consider the following code:

public class Course {
    Professor professor;
    List<Student> students;
    public EmailResponseCode emailAllStudents(String subject, String message) {
        EmailBuilder emailBuilder = new EmailBuilder();
        for (var student : students) {
            var studentEmailAddress = student.getEmailAddress();
        Email email = emailBuilder.get();
        return email.send();

In the above function, emailAllStudents, we are using an instance of EmailBuilder, Email and EmailResponseCode temporarily in this function. That is we are re-using code in these classes. Specifically in each class:

  • EmailBuilder
    • constructor with zero arguments
    • void setSender(String emailAddress)
    • void setSubject(String subject)
    • void setMessage(String message)
    • void addBccRecipient(String emailAddress)
    • Email get()
  • Email
    • EmailResponse send()

Note that while we return an EmailResponse, we never actually do anything with it here, we simply rely on the class existing. In this way, we can say that Course and EmailResponse are coupled, but very loosely. Short of renaming or deleting the class entirely, any change to EmailResponseCode won’t directly necessitate a change to emailAllStudents.

Course and Email are very slightly more tightly coupled. That is, in addition to depending on the class existing, Course is also depending on a method called send() that returns an EmailResponseCode. If the interface of this method changes (that is the name, arguments, return type), this would necessitate changes to Course.emailAllStudents. However, if the implementation of this method changes, but the interface stays the same (the method signature and method behavior), then no changes should be needed in Course.emailAllStudents. So this is still very loose coupling.

Course is, again, slightly more coupled to EmailBuilder. This is because Course depends on the zero-argument constructor, as well as 5 other methods, existing. However, Course is simply calling these methods as provided by their interface. That is, Course is tied to the interface, but not the implementation. So again, if the interface stays the same, but the implementation changes, Course should be unaffected. However, any changes to the interface for any of these methods will necessitate changes in Course. Because there are more method interactions, this is higher coupling than exists for Email or EmailResponse

The key idea here is to think of each unique method call from one class to another as a thread connecting two boxes. The more threads there are between the boxes, the harder they are to separate, because it requires more work to cut or replace each individual thread.

However, the thread of interacting with a public interface should, when possible, be at low levels of coupling (ideally data coupling). This is because a well design interface can be receptive to change in implementation without requiring a change in the interface. Sometimes interface changes are unavoidable, and that becomes a more effort-heavy refactor.


Looking at the same example, specifically note the fields:

public class Course {
    Professor professor;
    List<Student> students;

Here, there are three classes being used as fields, Professor, Student, and List (specifically List<Student>). Looking specifically at emailAllStudents, we can see the following usages of these fields:

  • Professor
    • String getEmailAddress()
  • Student
    • String.getEmailAddress()
  • List<E>
    • Iterator<E> .iterator() - used implicitly by the for-loop.

Here, we are using these three classes similar to how we used EmailBuilder, Email, and EmailResponse. However, a distinction is that these classes are part of the fields of Course. That is, Course doesn’t just use these classes, Course has these classes, or aggregates these classes.

In practice, this almost certainly means that every, or nearly every, public method of Course will interact in some way with Professor, Student, and List. These repeated interactions across several methods means a tighter coupling between Course and these classes, compared to its coupling with Email.

This doesn’t mean that this is bad. If, logically, a course aggregates a Professor and a List<Student>, we should expect that we will necessarily have more interactions between these classes, since that is necessary for a cohesive module.

We need aggregation to describe the state of an object. However, this doesn’t change the fact that we want all interactions between Course and other classes to be at the interface level, and not dependent on implementation details. We still want these interactions to be at the data coupling level.


Composition and Aggregation will look the same if you simply look at a narrow code view, as they both involve one class possessing another class as a field. The difference is often determined by semantics of intent rather than true syntax. In general:

  • Aggregation “A aggregates B” - refers to an instance of class, A, “has” one or more instances of Class B.

  • Composition - “A is composed of B” refers to a relationship where one or more instances of B are intrinsically part of another class, A. In general, B does not such that they often cannot be meaningfully seperated. The composing class brings together these items, and the items by themselves don’t have a meaning outside of their attachment to the composing class. Composition relationships are a subset of Aggregation relationships.

A way to think of it is that I aggregate clothes, but I’m composed of body parts. My shirts can be resold and re-used with minimal effort. Both I and my shirts are separable entities that can interact with the world around me separate from each other. However, my body parts cannot be easily removed and attached to others. You wouldn’t cut off my arm and try to open a door with just my arm. It only functions when attached to the rest of my body. Of course, this is a metaphor, and not actual code, but when designing software models, we often lean on such metaphors.

Aggregation vs Composition Example

For instance, consider the following:

public class MailingList {
    private String name;
    private String listServAddress;
    private MailingListHistory history;
    private Set<User> subscribers;
    public MailingList(String name, String listServAddress) { = name;
        this.listServAddress = listServAddress;
        this.history = new MailingListHistory();
        this.subscribers = new HashSet<>();
    //getters here
    public boolean addSubscriber(User newSubscriber) {
        return subscribers.add(newSubscriber);
    public boolean removeSubscriber(User subscriber) {
        return subscribers.remove(subscriber);
    public void sendEmail(Email email) {
        for(User user : subscribers) {

In the above, I would say this class aggregates Users (who come and go, and have broader meaning in the system). That is, a User doesn’t exist solely as a part of MailingList. On the other hand, MailingListHistory only makes sense as part of a MailingList. This means MailingList is composed of a MailingListHistory.

Again, there are subjective semantics at play here, especially given only a single snapshot of a class. The key takeaway is that both aggregation and composition refer to a one-way relationship where one class possesses one or more instances of another class.


When discussing relationship naming, the word association has different meanings to different authors. Often this breaks down into two definitions, a general definition, and a specific definition.

  • General definition - any interacting between classes is an association. That is, it is a synonym for relationship as used in this article
  • Specific definition - sometimes called “bidirectional association” two classes are connected in such a way that interaction may be needed both ways. Often, this can be expressed as a mutual aggregation.


public class Author {
    private List<Book> booksWritten;
    public List<Book> getBooksWritten() {
        return new ArrayList<Book>(booksWritten);

public class Book {
    private List<Author> authors;
    public List<Author> getAuthors() {
        return new ArrayList<Author>(authors);

Note that an association doesn’t require a List or any Collection, I’m just semantically accounting for the idea that one book may be written by multiple people, and one author may write multiple books.

The key here is that we may want to travel both directions. I have an Author, I want their Books, and I have a Book, I want its author(s). Here, neither is specifically the owner of the other, but the relationship is mutual.

Once again, differentiating this from aggregation and composition often relies on semantics, which depend on context and have a degree of subjectivity. In our MailingListHistory class above, for example, that class may have a reference to MailingList for the sake of referencing the list it is a history for.

public class MailingListHistory {
    private MailingList mailingList;
    public MailingList getMailingList() {
        return mailingList;

However, this relationship is not symmetrical semantically. MailingListHistory is still a sub-part of MailingList that only makes sense tied to a MailingList. So I would still call this composition.

In general, with bidirectional associations, the semantics generally refer to a relatively symmetrical relationship in the sense that neither class possesses the other, but they do reference each other.

There may not always be an exact 100% agreed upon answer to whether a particular relationship is bidirectional association, aggregation, or composition. However, try to keep in mind the semantics of these relationships, and not just the syntax, when describing how two classes relate.


A class realizes an interface or abstract by implementing/extending it. Where dependency describes a “uses” relationship, and aggregation describes a “has-a” relationship, realization is an “is-a” relationship. In a “realization”, one class (the parent) describes the behaviors (in Java, an interface or abstract class), and the other (the child) implements that behavior.

For example,

public interface Runnable {
    void run();

public class MyRunnable implements Runnable {
    public void run() {
        //do something

In this example, MyRunable realizes Runnable. That is, MyRunnable “is-a” Runnable; it is a concrete implementation of the Runnable interface. This also applies to abstract classes as well as interfaces. In this relationship, we would call Runnable (the interface) the parent, and MyRunnable (the concrete implementation) the child.

A realization relationship is tighter coupling, since any changes to the parent’s interface will affect all implementations. Because of this, we generally want small, stable interfaces, and rarely want to change their interface. A change, for example, to Runnable, like:

public interface Runnable {
    void run(Routine routine);

…would require changes to MyRunnable, as well as every other implementation of Runnable in our code. Additionally, any class that uses an object that implements Runnable would also need to change. So introducing an interface/abstact class with multiple implementations does add coupling.

Abstract Class coupling

Specifically, abstract classes will typically cause even more coupling than interfaces, since abstract classes can have:

  • their own fields inherited by the child (which means the child is coupled not just to the interface of the abstract class, but the implementation)
  • their own implemented methods (which the child can either re-use or override)
  • their own constructors (which a child class must invoke in its constructor)

Also, a child class can only implement (extend) one class (which it can implement multiple interfaces). This means a child class cannot be coupled to another other classes via extension.

In general, favor small interfaces that describe one only one behavior or a few very cohesive set of behaviors. The larger and interface/abstract class, or the more implementation details in an abstract class, the more likely you will inevitably have to change. And such changes are frequently time-consuming, meaning expensive.

If you find you are implementing abstract classes where most of the behavior is concrete, and only one feature of a class is abstract, that’s a sign that you probably don’t want to use inheritance, and instead want to use aggregation (see below).


Generalization encapsulates all “is-a” relationships. Realization is actually a subset of generalization. That is, all realizations are generalizations. However, I listed realization first because it typically results in less coupling than other forms of generalization.

Specifically in generalization, a parent describes a general behavior, and a child describes a specific behavior, or specialization of the parent. That is, the parent generalizes the child. Realization specifically refers to generalizations where the parent is an abstract description of behavior and the child an implementation of that behavior.

For example, imagine we design something like Piazza. Here, all users have a log-in action, a list of courses they are enrolled in, and a list of posts they have made. However, Users that are students users can ask Questions, and post in a student answers section, while users that are Professors can post announcements, delete posts from their course, and add and remove users to and from their course.

public abstract class User {
    protected String username;
    protected String passwordHash;
    protected List<Course> courses;
    protected List<Post> posts;

    //getters and setters

    public LogInResponse logIn() { ...}

    public List<Post> getVisiblePosts(Course course) {...}

    public List<Course> getActiveCourses() { ...}

    public void postFollowup(Post post) {...}

    public abstract boolean canViewPost(Post post);

public class Student extends User {
    public boolean canViewPost(Post post) {
        return (this == post.getAuthor() || !Post.isPrivate()) && 

    public void postQuestion(Course course, String question);
    public void postStudentAnswer(Post question);

public class Professor extends user {
    public boolean canViewPost(Post post) {
        return courses.contains(post.getCourse());
    public void postNote(Course course, String post);
    public void deletePost(Post post);
    public void addToCourse(User user);
    public void removeFromCourse(User user);

The idea here is two handle the general behavior of a User in the User class, and then the specific behaviors of Students and Professors in child classes. This why you only write the general behavior once, and decompose the specific behavior into separate classes. Specifically, when discussing generalizations that are not realizations, we think of the parent class as either concrete, or a “nearly complete” abstract class (that is, it has fields, implemented methods, etc.)

This is the tightest form of coupling. In fact, in the case where protected variables are shared by the parent and children, this is a form of common coupling. Specifically, a field protected field could be changed by a parent, and child, or any class that extends the child. Additionally, changes to a child class may necessitate changes to the parent class, and changes to the parent class typically propagate to all the children (and, when present, any class that extends the children). So, in the above example, Student is directly tightly coupled to User. However, it is also indirectly coupled to Professor, since a change to Professor may end up propagating to User, which would propagate down to Student. In this way, inheritance, especially of a class with any existing concretions, creates very tight coupling, and is very resistant to change.


In this module, we looked at different types of commonly discussed class relationships in Java. Of course, there is naturally nuance and semantics in some of these differences. However, understanding these relationships, how they are implemented, and the consequences that create in regard to coupling is critical to making strong design decisions.

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